Post #101
6/20/01 10:38:20 PM
When do we become simply "they"
I have no choice!
Post #106
6/20/01 10:45:24 PM
The name has grown beyond the original meaning
IMO, at least.
-scott anderson
Post #111
6/21/01 12:07:40 AM
It was just an odd thought...
...that I had today. Thought I'd share it.
And I hadn't even taken any X when the thought struck me ;)
I have no choice!
Post #112
6/21/01 12:24:20 AM
Very odd.
Did you mean we've dropped the I and the We somehow?
"All around me are nothing but fakes Come with me on the biggest fake of all!"
Post #114
6/21/01 12:59:29 AM
we started out as InfoWorld Electric Terrible Horde of Eclectic Yammerers' (I WE THEY) as noted on the [link||FIQ]. So the thought was really...since we seem to to be on course to move one step further away from IW...should we continue to preface the THEY with the IWE.
I do agree with Scott, though, that the moniker has taken on much more meaning since its humble beginnings.
I have no choice!
Post #164
6/22/01 1:27:35 AM
The odd case of the missing post..
which did not bark in the night.
Last night I addressed the collective consciousness towards finding something less demeaning than InfolessWurrld - suggested a contest for retro-fitting and escaping our former association with those who have taken to snorting NET and whoring about.
Now all the Intellectually Wearing Ecdysiasts - a 'T.H.E.Y.' Intentionally Willful Exponents - Insufferably Wary Explicators -
have evanesced back into the cc. As if it never was.
Odd. First 'missing' thingie I can recall - unless this IS Zope V. A-1 ? (The Alzheimer One) or I dreamed I was awake when I wasn't or - maybe I'm dreaming This visit and the original is there or the W98 box put it all in its little offline cache, not wanting to worry me about Zope's forgetful Register 13. Life as a Splash Screen?
Mayhap just some .. intemperate werewolves eviscerated a twitchy horde of extroverted Yahoos ?
I will expect the hiatus explanation yet!
A. Invincible warriors extinguish tendentious hordes every year..
Post #158
6/21/01 9:46:27 PM
Giant mutant ants, that's who They are! Almost, but it's Them!. Is the SF movie "Them!" before your time? It was black and white so it could be.
Post #191
6/23/01 8:13:29 AM
Before my time? Sure, but... up to my .sig, I don't have to follow your IMDB link to remember that it starred James Arness (much, much, later to play Bruce Boxleitner's [Captain/President Sheridan of _Babylon 5_] "Uncle Zeb" Macahan in _How The West Was Won_), and that the grand finale took place in an LA storm-drain channel that may well have been the same where Arnie on a motorbike dueled the T-1000 in a trailer tractor.
The Man Who Knows His Classics
Post #201
6/23/01 2:06:00 PM
Damn, so close
... where Arnie on a motorbike dueled the T-1000 in a trailer tractor. Except that those of us on this side of the pond would call it a "tractor trailer."
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Post #208
6/23/01 4:58:34 PM
Nah, it was just the pulling (tract-ion, geddit?) part...
...without anything trail-ing behind it.
Sure, my invented moniker might not have been idiomatically correct, but I'm certain it's at least *semantically* more correct than talking about the trailer in any way.
The Man Who Knows Fucking Everything, And When He Doesn't, Makes It Up
Post #211
6/23/01 5:52:50 PM
That's OK
We make up the laguage as we go, so why shouldn't you make up the analysis/criticism?
This is my sig. There are many like it, but this one is mine.
Post #214
6/23/01 11:13:21 PM
Ok then, in 'The Day the Earth Stood Still'..
Who played the little kid and what was he called? What did he 'buy' from Klaatu for a buck or two? What model tank was er somewhat rearranged in opening scenes? And what device was K. reaching for when the %^#$ sojer fired? Who was the boy-friend heavy* who thought like a Repo-man and would have made a modern PHB? (or president)
*hint: IIRC, his 'namesake' has a pic. ID on EZ (!) But I'm just running on empty fer bein sure he's That guy..
Just checkin for the limits of yer titanium-trap mind, there..