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     IreadLRPD - (lincoln) - (3)
         This quote of The Conway seems ~~ impossible to believe.. ... - (Ashton) - (2)
             She understands. She doesn't care. -NT - (drook) - (1)
                 Nor does their base. -NT - (mmoffitt)
     IRLRPD - (drook)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln) - (1)
         Some al punte *links there, re the impromptu Off-the-Wall Drumpf 'interview' @ Golf HQ in FL - (Ashton)
     irlrpd - (boxley)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln)
     IreadLRPD - (lincoln)
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You have mushrooms walking around. What do you expect?
183 ms