Deconstructed.. in France on npr The World
Some nice Counterpoint in that small coverage--with verbatim quotes, then a Euro POV on the implicit disdain for "taking August off.. OFF.."

Anyone here recall this little Ayn Rand panegyric er, paean?
wherein the protagonist sweeps Masterfully through his mansion--his kids/wife passing by as he tosses off one-liners on
[actually on: his vanity?}

Then ensconces self in his new electric-Caddy (no-'shack' here!) fairly exuding I Did It All Myself all over his smartly-tailored Armani.
Just curious whether this flew under many radars. socio-analysis and like that.

Guess I gotta google this; seems I'm not the only one who noticed the 100%-Pure-Distilled-hubris manifest throughout every expensive-Second.

OK I'm not making-this-up:

Since we first wrote about it the day it was launched on YouTube when it had under 250 views, other publications – with either a left- or right-leaning orientation – have waxed eloquently or not so much about it, as Ad Age observed.

Brigid Schulte, a Washington Post contributor “groaned” at the sight of a “middle-aged white guy” touting the “virtues of hard work, American style,” while walking through his lovely residence to a $76,000 EREV.

It was praised by Fox News contributor and founding member of the “Capitalistpig” hedge fund, Jonathan Hoenig, for celebrating wealthy America.

Neil Cavuto of Fox said it feeds negative ideas about the one-percenters, and used it as yet one more stab against the former Government Motors noting the irony.

The Huffpost got huffy about it too.

“Cadillac made a commercial about the American Dream — and it’s a Nightmare,” wrote Carolyn Gregoire, “The luxury car company is selling a vision of the American Dream at its worst: Work yourself into the ground, take as little time off as possible, and buy expensive sh*t [a Cadillac ELR].”
