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New 'The Future of Snow' npr: Commonwealth Club

Radio Specials
The Commonwealth Club: Climate One
Mountain Meltdown -- Winter is coming. But is the season what it used to be? Tourism is one of the largest economic sectors worldwide, and one of the least prepared for climate change. The last decade was the warmest on record, and the U.S. winter tourism industry experienced an estimated $1 billion loss and up to 27,000 fewer jobs because of diminished snowfall. Without action to reduce emissions, analysts predict many ski centers will eventually be forced to close, especially those at lower altitudes. The remaining mountains will become more dependent on snowmaking, which will lead to higher energy use and potentially higher ticket prices. How can winter tourism sustainably adapt to climate change? What are industry executives, skiers and snowboarders doing to mitigate effects and prepare for long-term challenges? The program presents a two-part conversation with climate experts, a professional snowboarder and industry leaders from the Mountain Collective, which includes some of North America's most popular ski resorts.

First they came for the buggy-whip manufacturers and I said nothing; my Model T did not need one.
Then they came for natural food production and I said that the Fast-version was indeed quick and ... somehow induced a craving for more.
Then they came for The Snow and ... I say: DON'T FUCK WITH MY SKIING.. you bastards!
(Screw the polar bears and all that other climate shit-I-don't-Believe-in.. YOU BASTARDS!)

Carrion.. (Oh: it may not keep as long, next ... unless you can afford refrigeration during the brown-outs.)
New what year wwas that written?
last 2 years ski country has been good almost till July 4th
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
New Unclear when text was written.. (or last edited?)
Clearly the Title is an ongoing project, as in this follow-up, *Climate One + You, an effort to create feedback on say, "How al punte can we get?"
--they seem to have a full roster of potential speakers; unsurprising as the entire Topic is simply too huge in implications
... to conflate into a parade of random sound-bites for internecine Warz.

* a Meeting of CClub members on 12/17--not a 'Radio Special', as you see.


New more on snow
they haven't quite got the predictions down quite yet just sayin...
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
New Could always fly off to exotic places.
Oh, wait a minute...


And, you can see it from space!

New Always thought that the SST was an early example
of the Space Ship First-Class passengers deciding they wanted a fireplace in their lounge--burning the bedding of the Steerage passengers;
equal air quality for all (except they had all the oxygen bottles too.).

What WILL we do when you simply Can't acquire endless stuff then bury it in the landfills a few months later--to make room for more?
(Do we want to be around when that new Policy is announced.. I mean, when you consider the mayhem on/after a soccer match/football game..)
The daily news would be pure slapstick, except--

New dunno Ash, if I was to hit the lottery
how many pre- 1968 chris craft could one take care of? Rental till the very end
Any opinions expressed by me are mine alone, posted from my home computer, on my own time as a free American and do not reflect the opinions of any person or company that I have had professional relations with in the past 58 years. meep
New Good choice, can run on bio-oil and such. Wax it a lot tho..
You're betting that there'll be a fair amount of disposable cash ... as matters develop.
Could be right.. hope so.

(Me: I'd like to sell fully-restored Vincents--exclusively to the 0.01% as could afford same out of pocket change.)
A timed Woods-metal link in the brake cables could begin Worldwide Equalization of mofos//plebes.
(And I get to play with the models awaiting delivery.)
Wanna finance this er, Start-up-as-End-up ??
     'The Future of Snow' npr: Commonwealth Club - (Ashton) - (7)
         what year wwas that written? - (boxley) - (2)
             Unclear when text was written.. (or last edited?) - (Ashton) - (1)
                 more on snow - (boxley)
         Could always fly off to exotic places. - (dmcarls) - (3)
             Always thought that the SST was an early example - (Ashton) - (2)
                 dunno Ash, if I was to hit the lottery - (boxley) - (1)
                     Good choice, can run on bio-oil and such. Wax it a lot tho.. - (Ashton)

43 ms