Go ahead, do a bit of reading.
Here's a starting article from 2009, follow the references.
There are shitload more, but for some reason, some people can't see them.
Basically take a pound of pot. Do a hash oil extract. Use glycerin as your final base. Put a few drops under your tongue every day. 1st few days you will be stoned. After that, nope. Titrate up for a few weeks. Keep doing it for 6 months to a year as your doctor claims god is smiling on you and you are cured, but he has no fucking clue why and he certainly isn't going to condone your activity.
Ok AS, as of about a year ago you said there was not enough info to make any decisions.
When the cancer hits YOU, what will you do?
Rat poison? Because that's what most chemo is. Maybe you've already made that decision, I dunno. But do you have enough enough to at least look to alternatives now, rather than wait for your random doctor to prescribe it, which will NOT happen for many years?