I currently have a Cyrix 6X86 80Mhz (PR 90) chip on an Viper-M Opti motherboard.

Any place I can find a driver and BIOS update for it?

Opti's web site was no help.

BIOS reports itself as:


Award Modular BIOS v4.51G

UMC 8663B rev 0 found at port 108h

OPTi 82C557 rev 17

I got a WD 340M IDE hard drive on it and an old Colorado 250M tape drive. No other drives on it. I can network over to my other PC to share the CD-ROM.

All I know is that it pukes on Windows 98, so I am running Windows 95B on it. Had to disable 32 bit access due to lockups. I also had to run WB16OFF.EXE in Autoexec.

Basically for now it is a Tape Drive Mule to backup and restore files off the 250M HP/Colorado tape drive.
Release 10/12/1996