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New "Installing Democracy might be difficult.....
.....but capitalism is going to be a slam-dunk".

(on seeing the attempts of looters to drive off with truck loads
of food supplies).
"My purchase of a Hummer was inspired by our 1991 Gulf War victory. After this war, I'm buying an aircraft carrier."
(The Onion)
New Re: "Installing Democracy might be difficult.....
Dude, it's a party out there. What's being looted? The extravagantly equipped and stocked palaces and buildings of the regime.

Did you hear about the kids who went into the Republican Guard stables? Heh heh...these teens are chasing around these beautiful horses in the street, trying to ride them bareback and almost getting trampled.

The rest of the buildings are being stripped down to the drywall. They are getting back the wealth that was squandered on lavish furnishings while the rest of Iraq barely managed to eat.
New Re: "Installing Democracy might be difficult.....
They are getting back the wealth that was squandered on lavish furnishings while the rest of Iraq barely managed to eat.

I see. You'd be one of those who spoke of the Rodney King "uprisings," then.

"Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist."
New Re: "Installing Democracy might be difficult.....

I'm not sure if you've noticed, but the people of Iraq have the distinction of being under despotic rule for about thirty years. Beating and dragging the Rodney King issue into this is proof that you're losing your grip on reality.
New I was alluding to.....
the situation of the Brits in Basra who have been arresting thieves attempting
to truck away stockpiles of food. Locals in Basra had been pleading
with the troops to do something about the rampant thievery
going on.
"My purchase of a Hummer was inspired by our 1991 Gulf War victory. After this war, I'm buying an aircraft carrier."
(The Onion)
Expand Edited by Mike April 9, 2003, 11:43:38 AM EDT
     "Installing Democracy might be difficult..... - (Mike) - (4)
         Re: "Installing Democracy might be difficult..... - (cybermace5) - (3)
             Re: "Installing Democracy might be difficult..... - (rcareaga) - (1)
                 Re: "Installing Democracy might be difficult..... - (cybermace5)
             I was alluding to..... - (Mike)

I didn't think people ate those...
86 ms