
You may need to be logged into Yahoo for this story, otherwise it might take you as a guest or something.

It talks about how Microsoft is no longer going to fix NT 4.0 security holes, and is wanting customers to upgrade to 2000, XP, or 2003 Server. It argues that with Linux, as in Red Hat 6.2, even if Red Hat no longer support it, someone else can make a patch for it.

More about open source:

One of the arguments Microsoft folks like to trot out to refute open source is accountability. In theory, Microsoft is "responsible" for its products and to its customers -- whereas support for open source products is unsure, because there's no "one throat to choke." I bet I can guess which throat Microsoft's customers would like to choke right now -- not that it will do any good.

Here's a golden opportunity for Microsoft to show its customers that they get what they pay for -- instead, they're essentially being told that if they want a secure product, they'll have to pay for it again.