While US is the most open society around - EZ targets, he'd (apparently) be happy asassinating Il Papa as well - does he dare issue a fatwa against the Pope too?

Dubya's remarks may have been less hyperbole than most would suppose, and the arguments for general cooperation among most nations are becoming stronger:

This sociopath is out to kill Everyone not exactly like him. And like Microsoft - he gets 'em young (and if he doesn't baffle 'em with bullshit - he dazzles 'em with promises of 70 virgins + 8K servants). Newspaper published the ages of the now ID'd 'pilots' et al on all the planes: all ages they had info about, were early 20s.

Still (even we) have long known his agenda, and apparently vacillated on one or more occasions - for not being sure how stale our info was. As capturing him alive would prove impossible - and certainly not fruitful even if..

Everybody with more than nomadic-level 'wealth' is his enemy; never mind the Theocracy he has in mind too - he has to go SAP. Time for a large contract, in the $M USD. (We can't promise the virgins - endangered species).
