From a Fool board member signed "JPBailey":


Dear Osama bin Laden:
Congratulations. You've done what our best diplomacy efforts have not been able to do. You've united the world. You've allowed the world to put aside its differences and instead made every terrorist group, and anyone helping these groups, enemy number one.

You struck us, you have wounded our country, but all that did was strengthen our resolve for freedom. It united a country and a world to stand up to anyone who would challenge that freedom. Instead of bringing out our worst, it brought out our best. Thousands giving blood, helping with the recovery, and standing up to you.

You launched an act of war. A war not against a country, but against any group that uses terrorism as a mechanism for policy, who attacks thousands of civilians, and who threatens democracy, freedom, and the opportunity for people to govern themselves. Be assured we will respond. We will be patient, prudent, and relentless in our pursuit. We will not strike out at citizens as you have done. We will target the persons who commit these acts of terrors.

You may think you won yesterday, but you are so sadly mistaken. You can strike a people, but the idea of democracy is bigger than New York City and the Pentagon. It is bigger than a country or a President. Democracy is tougher than terrorism. If you want to see the best of democracy than watch the people of New York. Watch the people of Washington DC. Watch America. Watch the world come together as it never has before. All for one defeat you and every other terrorist who threatens that freedom.

The only one who should afraid, Mr. bin Laden, is you.