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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Compiling GNUstep/GNUstepWeb, etc.
Sloppy work. I've never seen code with so many warnings... We'll see if it works or not.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New I think you need to be root for make install to work.
But nothing tells you that. :-/


Is it enough to love
Is it enough to breathe
Somebody rip my heart out
And leave me here to bleed
Is it enough to die
Somebody save my life
I'd rather be Anything but Ordinary

-- "Anything but Ordinary" by Avril Lavigne.

New No, that's in the HOWTO.
It's the compilation that's messy; the part that comes *before* 'make install'... ;-)

Lots of warnings, etc. Garbage code. If they can't be arsed to make it compile cleanly, then what's the overall quality of the code in the first place?

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Re: No, that's in the HOWTO.
>| Lots of warnings, etc. Garbage code. If they can't be arsed to make it compile cleanly, then what's the overall quality of the code in the first place?

With versions do you use ? Last CVSes ones ?
Don't hesitate to help us improve GNUstep. Gurus are always welcome.

New Hey... new blood... Welcome...
I knew I smelled something fresh this morning!
[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]   [link|http://pascal.rockford.com:8888/SSK@kQMsmc74S0Tw3KHQiRQmDem0gAIPAgM/edcurry/1//|ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!]
[link|http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,857673,00.asp|Writing on wall, Microsoft to develop apps for Linux by 2004]
Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
These [link|http://www.whitehouse.gov/pcipb/cyberspace_strategy.pdf|Civilian General Orders], please memorize them.
"Questions" will be asked at safety checkpoints.
New March 4th.
My point being, there should be no "clean-up" step. Code should not be considered to be "compiled" until the warnings are no longer there. Warnings are not to be ignored; for the most part they are a result of incorrect assumptions on the part of the programmer.

As far as improving GSweb goes, I haven't used it much yet. Once I get into it I'm sure I'll have some additions to make.

As far as being a guru, well, I just started learning Objective C recently. So, give me a few weeks first. ;-)

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Of course, you've never seen...
...Windows Build or do I stand corrected?

Of course I'm assuming *THAT* spaghetti code has warnings... and ignored crits... and ignored fatals...

/me grining...
[link|mailto:curley95@attbi.com|greg] - Grand-Master Artist in IT
[link|http://www.iwethey.org/ed_curry/|REMEMBER ED CURRY!]   [link|http://pascal.rockford.com:8888/SSK@kQMsmc74S0Tw3KHQiRQmDem0gAIPAgM/edcurry/1//|ED'S GHOST SPEAKS!]
[link|http://www.eweek.com/article2/0,3959,857673,00.asp|Writing on wall, Microsoft to develop apps for Linux by 2004]
Heimatland Geheime Staatspolizei reminds:
These [link|http://www.whitehouse.gov/pcipb/cyberspace_strategy.pdf|Civilian General Orders], please memorize them.
"Questions" will be asked at safety checkpoints.
New Re: Compiling GNUstep/GNUstepWeb, etc.
>| Sloppy work. I've never seen code with so many warnings... We'll see if it works or not.

Last CVS versions of GNUstepWeb have been cleaned.
Feel free to particpate to its improvement.

     Compiling GNUstep/GNUstepWeb, etc. - (admin) - (7)
         I think you need to be root for make install to work. - (static) - (4)
             No, that's in the HOWTO. - (admin) - (3)
                 Re: No, that's in the HOWTO. - (mguesdon) - (2)
                     Hey... new blood... Welcome... - (folkert)
                     March 4th. - (admin)
         Of course, you've never seen... - (folkert)
         Re: Compiling GNUstep/GNUstepWeb, etc. - (mguesdon)

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