BEEP - The chicken was not sure what its real value was. Market forces led to the chicken crossing the road. (Tyson plucked it for a song)

TRENT LOTT - It was a White Leghorn and wanted to secede from the Rhode Island Reds.

GEORGE BUSH, SR. - It was the vision thing.

ANN COULTER - The chicken took advantage of Librul subsidies for the chicken-hearted.

marlowe - The chicken was a comsymp, fleeing the Patriotic pot-pie draft.

ME - The chicken fled from the chickenhawks.

HENRY KISSINGER - The chicken thought I said 'Chile' not 'Chili', and feared assassination.

THE CHICKEN - I was surrounded by chickens with Two Right-wings - and they all wanted to kill something. So I left.

GOLDIE HAWN - It's Another Chicken Joke! Sockittome

GOD - I can't believe I gave this bunch of clucks a whole planet to fuck up.