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New No, the lawsuits are important.
They keep Microsoft pinned down and erode its public image. If Microsoft hadn't been pinned down by antitrust action at the critical moment, Open Source wouldn't be anywhere near where it is now.

Unable to attack Linux while they were claiming it in court as a "viable threat", Microsoft now has quite a job trying to put the genie back in the bottle.

Continuous court battles have eroded Microsoft's public image to the point my clients now ask questions rather than simply discarding what I say about the company as the ravings of a loony, and are more open to considering alternatives.

New That's been my experience, too.
Having been a developer for quite a while, if I ran into something that didn't work on Windoze, invariably, my bosses or clients suspected me. Now, the first assumption they make (my clients) is that something is wrong with the Microsoft product. And every client I speak to is very interested in my thoughts on the Beast. It is refreshing to finally have more than a slim minority listening.

Heck, even a few of my clients who used to be died-in-the-wool Microsofties barb them with regularity and ask me about alternatives (one I just successfully turned from a WindowsCE project into an embedded Linux project). Once the platform switched, development was much easier - the client is elated. Today he asked me to look for alternatives to his windows based accounting & inventory systems. It makes me feel good to know I'm making my little dent ;-)
     Ashcroft to bat for Microsoft? - (marlowe) - (3)
         No, the lawsuits are important. - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             That's been my experience, too. - (mmoffitt)
         Waddya expect? - (jb4)

Even the hydrocoptic marzelvane came up with a null...
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