Rutters International


Bill Gates, Pope of Microsoft Corporation Worldwide, has requested official acknowledgment that the Western [and Eastern] World's roots are now firmly of the Microsoftian sect.

The Pontiff-West, aknowledging the fine intelligence gathering techniques of his erstwhile competitor, the lengthy run of their special software [The Earth-centric Universe Explorer] and their assiduous application of \ufffd Truth R'Us - gave high marks to the ferreting out of users of Non-Standard Truth.. as in the disciplining of the arch criminal Galileo Galilei. In this reporter's opinion, the Pope-West's remarks seemed sincere, perhaps even envious.. of past successes in the marketing of wares to uninformed consumers.

Questioned after this announcement of intent to seek formal recognition, Mr.Gates had this to say about his now moribund opponent - as Pope-East's market share continues to dwindle on the world market:

While Paul and his org persist in assigning other meanings to the concept 'NT', we have shown that Our NT is the wave of the future. The modern world has embraced our Mission; we have enhanced the Message and extended the Mystery -

We have demonstrated that no larger Mystery exists in the universe than that of.. Our Success (while our software remains insecure, unreliable and ever unFathomable - just the way the users like it).

We have replaced the old Mystery with a Newer and Better One! Let us prey.
That's all for today, gentlemen. You may join us in the morning for our weekly Preyer Breakfast at the Campus chapel.