IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New I do too!
I don't want Dubya making any decisions. This *is* a good thing ;-)
New yup unlike the kosovo fsckup
there will be an exit stategy of some kind in place.
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Like in Bosnia? Don't hold your breath.
     I feel so much better now. - (mmoffitt) - (5)
         I do. - (addison) - (3)
             I do too! - (mmoffitt) - (2)
                 yup unlike the kosovo fsckup - (boxley) - (1)
                     Like in Bosnia? Don't hold your breath. -NT - (mmoffitt)
         chain of command etc - (boxley)

"Yes, but what if you get out of that groove?"
"Well, then I'm in trouble."
68 ms