We are to have freedom OF religion. Not freedom FROM religion.
And no one is telling you you can't belong to whatever religion you want to.

When the town hall cannot have a Christmas display.
It's the town hall, not your church. Equal time, you get 1 day for your Christmas display, the pagans get 1 day for their display, the Satanists get 1 day for their display, the moonies get 1 day, the buddhists, the muslims, the jews, and so forth.

Oh, it's only freedom for YOUR religion in front of YOUR town hall.

That's why you have your church.

When public officials must say "Season's greetings" (Guess we should be really polically correct and abolish Christmas as a holiday. After all, it is celebrating the birth of Christ.)
Ummmm, no. The officials can say anything they want to, just not in an official capacity.

I won't even go into whether it is the birth of Christ or not.

Why should I have to pay double school tuition? One for taxes for the public school and again to the (insert religion of choice) school.
You don't have to. The payment for your religious school is purely voluntary.

Just as you are required to pay taxes, and some of these taxes go to welfare programs, but you might also contribute food to a local food bank. That is voluntary.

Why can't our taxes just pay for schooling. It's up to the parents which school to use.
Some of your taxes do pay for schooling. And you do have a choice of which school to send your children to. This is usually determined by your choice of where you live.

You also have the choice to pay more and to send your children to a completely different school.