SilverDon asks:
How do you post a jump-to link and close the post?
By using the new choice in the posting screen.

I had assumed that Scott had added a new choice to the posting screen, but I didn't/don't see it.
Yes, he did. It's down under the Signature edit box, directly below the Save button: a checkbox marked "As New Topic in", and a drop-down list of forums (that defaults to the current one).

You must check the checkbox, or the choice from the list will have no effect.

And, for Scott, is it possible to lock a post by editing it and adding a jump-to link?
Interesting question. I'll try that, too.

[Edit:] Nope, it's a post-creation-time-only option; now that I went to edit the post, the checkbox and list aren't there on the edit screen.

(What was it, Scott's own fumble of the SUV post in the War-on-Terrorism forum that started you thinking "Why didn't he just edit it?" :-)