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New Well, here's a "REALLY malicious (by definition!) PNG":
[image|http://www.ubersoft.net/comics/hd20021108c.png||||] (From [link|http://www.ubersoft.net/d/20021108.html|here])
   Christian R. Conrad

As our souls are slowly stolen
The wheels of progress keep steamrolling
Mechanisation melts our minds
To drive the furnace that drives us blind. -- [link|http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/poetry/mechanisation.html|© Conrad Parker, 1993]
Collapse Edited by CRConrad Dec. 12, 2002, 04:14:52 PM EST
REALLY malicious PNGs... Yup, they exist. Here's one:
[image|http://www.ubersoft.net/comics/hd20021108c.png||||] (From [link|http://www.ubersoft.net/d/20021108.html|here])
   Christian R. Conrad

As our souls are slowly stolen
The wheels of progress keep steamrolling
Mechanisation melts our minds
To drive the furnace that drives us blind. -- [link|http://www.vergenet.net/~conrad/poetry/mechanisation.html|© Conrad Parker, 1993]
     BugTraq funny. - (inthane-chan) - (2)
         That's a new concept... - (Yendor) - (1)
             Well, here's a "REALLY malicious (by definition!) PNG": - (CRConrad)

Ashton'd best cease derision; egregious fumblings garner hatred in judgemental klans. Lest matters natter on (precipitating quagmires), raconteur Scott transliterates umpteen verbs. Wordwright Xanadu, your zIWETHEY. Accordingly, blithely calling due eclectic, freewheeling games heedlessly invites jabber. Kenning LRPD meanings necessitates occasional, personal, quiet ruminations. Such thoughts unleash virtually wanton xenophilic yearnings: Zen Achieved.
38 ms