Do a couple of google searches on Robert Diegelman.

It's interesting.

Acting assistant attorney general for administration at the INS?

Seems he works for the Justice Management Division of the Justice Department. What do they do?

Under the direction of the Assistant Attorney General for Administration, the Division provides assistance to senior management officials relating to basic Department policy for evaluation, budget and financial management, personnel management and training, equal opportunity programs, ethics training and advice, automatic data processing and telecommunications, security, records management, procurement, real property, and material management, and for all other matters pertaining to organization, management and administration.
[link|| source ] they provide administration help to all other departments. (A worthless task, if I've heard heard of one.) But where is he? He's not the top guy. His job: Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Policy, Management and Planning.


And that's just a minor division of


So my take? This department is unrelated to's job is to take the heat for the mistakes of INS. (But maybe that's just me.)