of terminal mendacity always inside. BG -before Gates- these feared that to behave overtly! in such unprincipled ways - would cause a backlash.

So the 'restraint' wasn't remotely a 'moral qualm' IMhO - simply, it might soon Hurt Bizness\ufffd. Seeing M/Sloth year-by-year reap obscene levels of profit from despicable levels of QC and utterly dishonest dealings not seen before - that was way too tempting for any nascent? inkling of 'principle'. Capitalism ever was amoral - now it has become immoral, anti-moral?

Each month that Billy n'the Barbarians further escape BOTH justice and comeuppance, even after a GUILTY verdict! delays.. any chance for civil-izing the Bizness Class of mafiosi. The concentration of wealth goes on - civilizing appears to be on hold for the duration Of Repo control. Think of capitalist-Crack?

Maybe and only-if: M$ is laughed off the int'l stage as too insecure, too shoddy and too expensive -?- might poetic Justice cauterize the wounds, make rehab possible. Legal-Justice is obv. fucked in the USA. Europe?

(Does 'computer science' require a single ethics course these days, BTW?)


~2000 - the years when the worried father pushes the besotted daughter towards the motorcycle-crazy boyfriend, and away from the suited MBA crew-cut guy. For just plain Decency.. ;-)