size. Too dangerous for species survival. With a voracious capitalist approach to all events in the world, the concentration of power is proving too great - as evidenced by the ongoing consequences for the planet.

No one person should control this much power as sole 'Executive'; especially one selected via the US (historically) duplicitous, smear-driven doggerel of campaigns which appeal to emotion and prejudice, to only narrow national concerns of personal wealth - and ignore or ridicule intelligence which advocates a wider perspective.

In 20/20 hindsight then, in concentrating this power: the civil war has produced a massive liability for the planet - possibly terminal, given the nature of the religion-besotted forces which define the actions of the present regime (itself placed in power by only five citizens - in a series of unprecedented circumstances).

With allegiance foremost to their fantasy of imminent annihilation by their God-creation, and not at all to the country they are managing - even "the planet" is of little concern to those whose attention is hugely upon castles in the air and cauldrons in the depths.

Lincoln was wrong. He meant well, cannot be blamed for underestimating the power of True Believers to undermine the necessities of survival for all life (not just human life) on the planet. Still - wrong, if 'right' is in the direction of multiple-species survival.

Had the schism of his time evolved into two nations, there might have occurred some balance of power: at least it would have required consensus of two rulers - in matters affecting the hemisphere and the world.


With assistance of the other nuclear powers and a strengthened UN to oversee a plebiscite: we can determine the new boundaries for North Oceania and South Oceania? East- and West-? Diagonal? (Or preferably three: the above and a designated area for The Bible Belt to become concrete.)

'Bible' may be interpreted liberally - those of any apocalyptic or homicidal dyspepsia, those whose God directs anti- Other-human activities - all may join regardless of brand-name. An electrified fence can protect the inmates from the less dangerously besotted or merely schlaf getrunken, and vice versa. None shall be required to wear stars, crosses or other insignia as, not punishment - but mutually protective separation - is intended.

Visas may be issued - travel, visits and commerce can be arranged with minimal delays possible. There can be two great civilizations arise where there was only one, nearing barbarism: Progress at last!

I look forward to casting my vote.

Species-membership First
Clan-memberships Second