[link|http://www.theregister.co.uk/content/4/27913.html| Here]. A bit meandering, but I'm sure we'll be hearing some devastatingly acid recaps anon..

After the shock of such Overt Injustice made Official - is grokked fully. Thanks! Florida red-necks + USSC rednecks:

Murican IT can now take down all the signs; line up for the CIVIL lawsuits to progressively bleed the bloated dinosaur dry (nothing else they can work on around here, within the moribund "Industry") - and next look for another line of work: umm building automated Theme Parks, say? or full-electronic 7/11s? == save the Labor Cost of the drive-by meat 'employee'!

Hey! - that's what MillenniumBizness is all about: decrease costs, esp. people-costs. Every quarter.
(Or move to India, China, Malaysia? for any of that er coding stuff w/o DRM-by-M$\ufffd \ufffd \ufffd)

Anticipating ... :(

zIWE-Burgers R'Us Automation LLC