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New Wierd Side effect of staph infection
back in may I ate some cheese that was highly outdated and caused about 20hrs of vomiting. The gastric acid was so bad that a GI cocktail (anesthetic with milk of magnesia) caused it to burn thru the anesthetic. Our own JMeddings surmised that it sounded like staph.
Strangest side effect is that since that time I have not had a case of heartburn since. I used to have to take lots of antacids, could not eat chicken or pork without severe heartburn or drink more than 1.5 beers. Now I can eat a plate of hotwings, can drink beer until I am bored without even as much as a minor belch.
The going rate for 20hrs of vomiting? $1900.00 $95 per hr, the same rate I charged as a conslutant.
Curious to know why the heartburn disapeared though,
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
New Maybe your stomach fauna changed
Haven't stomach ulcers recently been tied to bacteria in the stomach? Maybe your bout with the cheese affected your stomach fauna enough to change your heartburn situation.

Here's a google offering for "heartburn bacteria ulcer": [link||Eliminating Ulcer Bacteria Eases Heartburn].


Looking a silver lining in the mouth killed the cat.
     Wierd Side effect of staph infection - (boxley) - (1)
         Maybe your stomach fauna changed - (GBert)

I see... dead people.
50 ms