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New Mark read oddity
While persuing some of the forums, then hitting the 'Mark Forum Read' link on either the top or bottom, I get returned to the main page as normal, but the forum is still marked unread. Going back in, the posts I just read are still marked unread. First notice in 'Tips' forum, but have the same problem in multiple forums.

Also tried hitting the individual mark forum read link on the main page, and the mark all forums read. Marking all DID mark some of the forums, such as Linux and WoT.

Moz 1.0 on W2K

edit: This very post and this forum are exhibiting the behavior.
Collapse Edited by Steve Lowe Oct. 21, 2002, 12:28:32 AM EDT
Mark read oddity
While persuing some of the forums, then hitting the 'Mark Forum Read' link on either the top or bottom, I get returned to the main page as normal, but the forum is still marked unread. Going back in, the posts I just read are still marked unread. First notice in 'Tips' forum, but have the same problem in multiple forums.

Also tried hitting the individual mark forum read link on the main page, and the mark all forums read. Marking all DID mark some of the forums, such as Linux and WoT.
New *grumble* I was afraid of that.
The new database adapter I installed doesn't appear to return the timezone offset anymore. As a result, mark read is going to be off until I fix it. Sorry about that.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New OK, I *think* I fixed it.
See how it works now... people in timezones earlier than Central time will want to remark forums read if new posts aren't showing up. It's not a database adapter issue... it's something that was changed in the database itself.

-scott anderson

"Welcome to Rivendell, Mr. Anderson..."
New Looks like it.
Damn you're good :)
     Mark read oddity - (Steve Lowe) - (3)
         *grumble* I was afraid of that. - (admin)
         OK, I *think* I fixed it. - (admin) - (1)
             Looks like it. - (Steve Lowe)

Somebody call Cirque du Soleil, because I am about to flip my shit!
35 ms