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New Sweden
By request of boxley... :-)

Yup, I'm back from a delightful trip to Sweden. Spent a few days in a small fishing village north of Gothenburg at a great conference. What a beautiful place. Great scenery, wonderful people, even a good meeting - what more could you ask for?

Then spent some time with my wife driving up into Norway and over to Stockholm. Never made it over to CRC's Finland but maybe next time. Very interesting countryside. In Canada we have large populations of Fin's and Swedes and after seeing that part of the world I have a better appreciation of why they feel at home in northern Canada - extremely similar countryside of forest, grass covered hills and lakes. Beautiful if you like that sort of scenery (and I do).

All in all I'd recommend a trip to this part of the world to anyone. Only problem is the cost. Great food and accomodation but it is pricey!
New and herring to die for!
Our bureaucracy and our laws have turned the world into a clean, safe work camp. We are raising a nation of slaves.
Chuck Palahniuk
     Sweden - (JMeddings) - (1)
         and herring to die for! -NT - (boxley)

I expected him to strike up a game of chess with Satan and start muttering about strawberries.
37 ms