Most notorious, of course, was the grinding poverty sustained for seven decades in the communist bloc. The phrase rich communist country has always been an oxymoron. We still have illustrations of communism's brilliance at sustaining poverty in Cuba and North Korea.
Hmmm, China?

#1. "Communism" is used in place of "totalitarian socialist state".

#2. Read "Eat the Rich".

#3. Realize that most "totalitarian socialist states" (aka "Communism") do NOT protect the rights of the individuals to keep the wealth they accumulate.

Oh, and it is always easy to point out where something went wrong. He even includes a list of things that should NOT be done.

But he doesn't include a list of what SHOULD be done, and when.

PJ is much better. And he's funny, too.

Step #1: Establish the rights of citizens to their OWN property.

Step #2: Enforce Step #1.