Per your comment about the number of trees in Houston..

While that sounds like a nice environment, perhaps not so nice if - there's a cop behind each one, preparing for a raid on a hangout of those Ugly Murican Criminal Teenager-type Miscreants - who need to be taught a lesson 'bout Justice n'stuff. :-\ufffd

As to the hot dog place, the motorcyclists who had been coming there for 9 years without a single 'incident' - that I can directly compare..

The 'Sunday Morning Ride', partly along coast Highway One and partly inland - has been going on for just under 50 years! It's length is almost exactly equal to one lap of the Isle of Man (TT race)- 28.3 miles. It's a beautiful stretch of scenery, complete with interesting curves and long vistas = you can see where you are going. Yes, speeds tend to be high at certain stretches on a then almost deserted road, and yes - there have been accidents periodically but hardly frequently.

Everyone Knows that it ends at the Pt. Reyes Cafe for breakfast, and there have been occasional Hwy Patrol stops over the years - generally of the sort intended to nail a couple and impress the rest. (Clarification: most of those years were characterized by 100% discipline, "A Rule" when passing through a couple small towns, always below the speed limit; ditto if any auto traffic were encountered elsewhere. This was no idiot clan run amok.)

Point: there's never been a mass arrest, para-military commando raid, etc. Of course, I can imagine the Houston police 'learning' anything from {ugh} California! re dealing with the outliers amidst the population..

Keep yer nose Clean, y'hear ?

CA Rocks
Houston Roughs-up