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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Please.. the LRPD a Trinity? a Schizophrenic 'Entity'?
The answers to profound questions clearly must float up from the depths and appear.. through the murky liquid.. in a little window - as with our ancestors and theirs, since the days of the [never-to-be-spoken] Grated Ones.

We don't need no more more steenkin Logic - We Needs Wisdom!

Yesss.. Wissssssdom, my Pretty

Ya wanna vote.. on Wisdom ?


First off, we gotta GPL her utterances.. no %&#$^& Mickeysoft LRPD Testament V1.0a on CD, with refs to the Chronicles of Neurasthenia or the mutterings of the LRPDysiast Postulates (maybe infiltrated by RIAA spies).

We are building a Civilization here - the last hope! for Homo-sapiens Sapiens - the 2K devolved species, which flounders on the brink of final extinction: 24/7 mp-3 chip implanted at birth.. See?
New We'll pull the religious wool over their eyes yet, Ash...
Once we write an oracle, that is, we can sell tickets.

Make it along these lines:


That's her, officer! That's the woman that programmed me for evil!
New Away, you bottle-ale rascal, you filthy bung, away!
Cackle.. cackle.. nice source for the daily needfulness.

But as to practical suggestions - the only way for IWETHEY to reach its full potential is

gotta become a New Religion\ufffd \ufffd

It works. After all - if We Are Wise, They Will follow -- (or even if we aren't but just Say we are. Somewhere.) As in.. Look.. I'm honest! OK?

(I'm looking at the leather seat colors for my new Aston Martin er V-something, after the first round of VC, after the nubile groupies have been on 20/20 and -)

New that has the odor of the great unwashed
can I have the wayward girl franchise? Dicipline and lite spanking is all they need. The little tykes can then pedal lrpd's at the airports dressed in filmy sarongs while chanting , only bill please only bill.
who prolly spent way too much time around socal during the earlies. Charlie wasnt the only one but he had this murderous drawback.
New Bill - go to your room.
Ya can't start a new movement by indulging in fanciful fanny fondling..

Although in fact: many do just that er

Never mind. Or better...

We should be different. I move that Maggs be made an Elder Potentate, and that some boys in diaphanous pantaloons or other robes.. also make the Airport scene. Equal depravity or none.
     Admin, LRPD Archives Div., Supplicants Editor - (Ashton) - (7)
         Ohhhhhh... that is an EXCELLENT idea! -NT - (admin)
         can we take turns? or multiple answers? -NT - (boxley) - (5)
             Please.. the LRPD a Trinity? a Schizophrenic 'Entity'? - (Ashton) - (4)
                 We'll pull the religious wool over their eyes yet, Ash... - (tseliot) - (3)
                     Away, you bottle-ale rascal, you filthy bung, away! - (Ashton) - (2)
                         that has the odor of the great unwashed - (boxley) - (1)
                             Bill - go to your room. - (Ashton)

We come here for the righteous indignation and hilarity that follows.
38 ms