Will not be good. I'm thinking about getting out of my index funds (retirement), Monday and converting to cash for the short term.

[link|http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&ncid=580&e=3&cid=580&u=/nm/20020810/bs_nm/accounting_oath_stocks_dc_1|Clean Book Pledge]

The bottom line is that only a handful of companies have returned this paperwork to the government. As with any "rushed" law, it's uncertain what the penalties are for the CEO/company if they refuse to take the pledge, but maybe someone here should research it. Wall Street will send out their own punishment for executives who refuse to sign.

It sounded like a good idea a few weeks ago, but we may have to live with the short-term effects of an even lower stock market index and perhaps extend the recession longer.

In the political arena, if this crashes the economy, it may be Bush's undoing.

Glen Austin