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New Question for any with an answer
Anyone know the history of the base in Cuba? How it came to be, why it is still allowed to be there in a country we do not recognize? I assume that since Cuba is not a state or protectorate of the US there must be some treaty agreement regarding Guantanamo. Or could it possibly be that Castro likes the base?

Remember something here, Castro is a savvy and cunning politician. He gets at least two significant benefits I can see from allowing a foreign (enemy) country's base to exist. First, a constant cash infusion in base workers salarys and in base employees spending. Second, the propaganda value of what the base employees like to spend money on (is it not obvious).
"...the problem with the French is that they don\ufffdt have a word for entrepreneur."

George W. Bush
New Here's the history.
2 volumes written over the years.

[link|http://www.nsgtmo.navy.mil/gazette/History/hisapxd.htm|1903 Agreement and 1934 Treaty].

The rest of the history is [link|http://www.nsgtmo.navy.mil/history.htm|here]. Note the disclaimer at the top of the page.

(I haven't read the history myself.)


     The US has to say who it put in jail after 9/11 - (ben_tilly) - (8)
         Question for any with an answer - (Silverlock) - (1)
             Here's the history. - (Another Scott)
         We aren't yet. - (Brandioch) - (3)
             Todd may have to stay out of the country longer - (ben_tilly) - (2)
                 Perhaps he shouldn't have been here at all. -NT - (mmoffitt) - (1)
                     Tsk, tsk - (ben_tilly)
         Beat ya to it. - (marlowe) - (1)
             Not suprised - (ben_tilly)

SoylentSheep is Sheeple!
33 ms