One American soldier is worth far more than an Afghan civilian.
So, how many Afghan civilians are worth one US soldier? 2? 5? 10? 100? 1000?


The Afghans tolerated and supported the Taliban for years, no matter what President Bush says.

A group doesn't conquer 95 percent of a country unless it has some support among the populace. The Afghans are fundamentalist Muslims. They didn't seem to mind too much that their women were treated like dogs or that the Taliban enforced Shariah (Muslim law). So frankly, it doesn't matter to me if some of their "civilians" get killed for involvement with the enemy.
But some of those killed were women. Of course, they might have been women who supported treating women "like dogs".

Dude needs to learn history. Women in the US were NOT always allowed to vote and so on.

I only wish Israel were as smart in prosecuting its own war on terrorism.
Dude needs to learn geography as well. While it is hard or an Afghan citizen who has just lost his family to a US airstrike to take any action against the US, it is very easy for a Palestinian in the same circumstances to strike against the Israelis.

Twenty-three Israeli boys, the proportional equivalent of 1,000 Americans, were killed in a vain attempt to prevent Palestinian casualties.
Dude needs to learn some political science, too. Israelis are the GOOD guys. Or is it that EVERYONE is worth less than US lives?

1 US life == 43 (approx) Israeli lives by his measure.

Some people might cry out at this "callousness." They might say that Al-Qaeda thinks the same thing about American civilians. This is a twisted argument. There is a difference between casualties from collateral damage and casualties from deliberate slaughter.
Yes there is. But claiming that indiscriminate bombing == "collateral damage" is a lie.


"Collateral damage" is when civilians are INSIDE the MILITARY STRUCTURE you've just bombed.

"Collateral damage" is one of the most mis-used terms in recent history.

When you don't care who else is killed and you don't take any precautions against others being killed, that is NOT "collateral damage".

In the end, this is a war to save humanity from the barbarity of fundamentalist Islam.

"Humanity" has NOTHING to fear from Islam.

Again, we kill MORE people on our highways EVERY YEAR than they've killed.

Even is Israel, the population is going UP not DOWN.

Terrorists are a threat to INDIVIDUALS, not to nations nor to "humanity".

No terrorist attack with destroy the US of A nor our government nor our beliefs.

We are the only threat to that. By our willingness to surrender the freedoms that were bought with the courage and deaths of the founders of this country.

We will surrender them for the ILLUSION of security.

That is all that we need to fear.

Freedom is not free. Freedom requires sacrifice.

That sacrifice cannot be made FOR you by ordering the deaths of others.