The Republicans *are* compassionate, and are simply misunderstood. Their perennial inaction is perfectly reasonable. See -

Since words can be so easily misinterpreted - especially by the Liberal Press (all four.. three? remaining Press Corporations, that is) -

Naturally the Republicans do not wish to commit their compassionate feelings for the poor, to actual proposed legislation with words and clauses and ummm.. er funding.. and such small details.

(Call this a conservative prescience: someone would be *sure* to twist their words! So the best thing is not to propose anything in writing. Safer.. and we know how important safety is, when you are tryin to conserve everything. As much as you can get, 'to conserve', anyway.)

See? they really *mean* well, and it's mean of you - to put words in their clamped-shut mouths. Prove! they don't mean well. Show me in their detailed proposa--

Never mind.

Ashton Congressional Record
enough words to reassemble any way ya want - as is most often done