Never so clear a portrayal of at least many of the significant events, and certainly: none of the info in real time re these (only now tranparent) tactics of the insurance-medico astroturf. (Not that anyone would have imagined there weren't such plans.)

Maybe this recap illustrates well enough, the utter poverty of the system we've allowed to entrench - the financing of all government members' election / reelection costs by the bottomless pockets of Corporate. Quid pro quo on *this* part which affects My company.. and *that* part which.. - - want reelection money next year, Bub er Bob?

Naive to imagine that non-Corporate funded counters to this system, amount to anything more than feelgood mental masturbation about matters beneficial to, "The Murican Peepul": a phrase already coopted by the minority in actual control. And it works! those blab phrases.

So we continue as the world's richest banana republic - descended from some of the wisest principles yet - all observed in the hype only. And often in the name of er Morality!

Goebbels would be proud to see how his Ministry of Propaganda has survived his death. (That was also about er 'Morality' too IIRC)

Oh well. It *was* a splendid dream - but who could have imagined! a Rush Limbaugh 'worth' $125M$ (even correcting for inflation) in 1776) ?

(wrote 250M$ first, cache fault)