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New no trans men in woman's chess lol whot?
The International Chess Federation (FIDE) says it is temporarily banning transgender women from competing in its women's events.
"Science is the belief in the ignorance of the experts" – Richard Feynman
New Why does chess have men/women divisions?

New Likely because it was men-only for a long time.
I am, admittedly, only guessing that that is the reason.

New I did a chess tournament in grade school
I'm pretty sure I played against a girl. That's at least 40 years ago. I'm amazed anyone is still talking about gender having anything to do with chess.

New I meant way before you or I were born.
And in the "professional leagues".

Chess is old enough that there would've been competitive tournaments for a long time and almost certainly in the times where women were denied a great deal of recognition in most walks of life.

New Looks more like good ole' morality
FIDE has had a women's championship almost as long as the men's championship (~1927) The world championship is open to all (although I have not gone digging to find out how long that has been the case...)
     no trans men in woman's chess lol whot? - (boxley) - (5)
         Why does chess have men/women divisions? -NT - (drook) - (4)
             Likely because it was men-only for a long time. - (static) - (3)
                 I did a chess tournament in grade school - (drook) - (1)
                     I meant way before you or I were born. - (static)
                 Looks more like good ole' morality - (scoenye)

Believed by many to be an idiot.
66 ms