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New You haven't changed, Boxley
You pooh-pooh what you don't understand.

I know quite a few of the protester types in Seattle. They vote, then they protest when their votes don't turn out what they want. Do protests inconvenience people? Yes, and that's the point. People like you just want protesters to vote, accept defeat and go quietly back into the shadows so they can go about their lives without having to change anything.

Fuck that noise. The only thing that ever changed the world was people willing to disrupt it. Come November 5th, AFTER I've voted, if Trump and the Republican party is trying to steal the election I'll be out on the streets for as long as it takes, regardless of the weather.
New I think you misinterpreted him
Sure he's a shit stirrer who's occasional political viewpoints don't match yours. And he trusts nothing.

But this political video was to drive people like you to vote. It was satire. And I think he actually got that.

Even better it made you angry. You thought he was directing it at people who actually might not vote, laughingly. Really. I don't think so. Great video though.
New I divorced the video from the individual
I got the video just fine. Even chuckled at it. Box OTOH was (back when I was hanging around) generally dismissive of attempts by liberals to change the status quo.
New Oh, he got his issues
But you were gone a while. He can have his viewpoint changed, but it is a brutal process. On this particular area he really does not think like that. At least I don't think so.
     if the weather is nice go to one of your little marches - (boxley) - (4)
         You haven't changed, Boxley - (InThane) - (3)
             I think you misinterpreted him - (crazy) - (2)
                 I divorced the video from the individual - (InThane) - (1)
                     Oh, he got his issues - (crazy)

Let Us Now Braise Famous Men, those who in their salad days.. imagined that they were of the Caesar variety.
33 ms