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New N-Yorker Radio Hour/npr: Biden interview at his house. He Groks the Matter
His opening mea culpa (about the naive idea that HATE could be er, vanquished, eliminated) is a winner.

"It crawls under a rock and hides ... UNTIL: ____
"See (what it; is Doing, Saying ETC).

In brief: Joe groks metaphor to a Fare-thee-Well.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden has been playing it safe during the coronavirus pandemic, but Evan Osnos got the chance to sit down with the nominee in person. In a wide-ranging conversation, Biden compares his position — should he win — to that of Franklin Roosevelt: taking office during a disaster, he argues, he would have an opportunity to effect a hugely ambitious agenda, but one driven by pragmatism rather than ideology. Rick Perlstein, the author of a four-volume history of modern conservatism, addresses the question of whether President Trump is an aberration or a continuation. And the show’s fashion correspondent walks David Remnick through hot trends in this season’s must-have accessory – the face mask.


There are some other B.-related analyses at New Yorker, fwiw. Above heard on: [see Title] npr radio.
Collapse Edited by Ashton Aug. 30, 2020, 03:25:01 PM EDT
N-Yorker Radio Hour: Biden interview at his house. He Groks the Matter
His opening mea culpa (about the naive idea that HATE could be er, vanquished, eliminated) is a winner.

"It crawls under a rock and hides ... UNTIL: ____
"See (what it; is Doing, Saying ETC.

In brief: Joe groks metaphor to a Fare-thee-Well.

Expand Edited by Ashton Aug. 30, 2020, 03:27:36 PM EDT
Collapse Edited by Ashton Aug. 30, 2020, 05:14:30 PM EDT
N-Yorker Radio Hour/npr: Biden interview at his house. He Groks the Matter
His opening mea culpa (about the naive idea that HATE could be er, vanquished, eliminated) is a winner.

"It crawls under a rock and hides ... UNTIL: ____
"See (what it; is Doing, Saying ETC.

In brief: Joe groks metaphor to a Fare-thee-Well.


There are some other B.-related analyses at New Yorker, fwiw. Above heard on: [see Title] npr radio.
     N-Yorker Radio Hour/npr: Biden interview at his house. He Groks the Matter - (Ashton)

Ooops, I'm ranting again... time to get more coffee.
37 ms