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New For the avoidance of doubt
This is what we're talking about
New The music wasn't bad
But that whiny monotone singer should just go away.

About 1992ish I went to a combined Jethro Tull/ELP concert. They were already 10-20 years past their prime. My brother said look at the old men in their walkers.

Tull / Ian Anderson sucked. The music washed over me like mud flowing around my ears. I really wanted to blame the sound system.

ELP was mind-bogglingly good. Using the same sound system.

Old man tours are worth it.

Speaking of Jethro Tull (Master of the non sequitur here) check out the following video where a flute teacher reacts to hearing / seeing him for the first time. He's amazing and she's great.


I actually saw him on that tour. That was my first concert that I ever went to with friends when I was in ninth grade.
New Dude
You don't know what Dr Feelgood should sound like?

I'm not the greatest Crue fan in the world, but here's the official vidja, from the 80s. The lineup is the same.

New No actually.
Sure I occasionally heard it on the radio but I didn't turn it up. It wasn't so offensive that I changed the station though.

Yes, I am an old man, get off my lawn.

On the other hand if you want to come back and listen to some Ramones or Dead Kennedys come on in.
New I don't mind American punk at all
although I lean more towards hardcore such as Agnostic Front/Black Flag/Biohazard, and skatepunk/crossover.
New I love when she learns a new technique
"Oh! I never ... huh ... ok."

New That's the one

     My prediction for the rest of Trump's campaign - (drook) - (8)
         For the avoidance of doubt - (pwhysall) - (6)
             The music wasn't bad - (crazy) - (4)
                 Dude - (pwhysall) - (2)
                     No actually. - (crazy) - (1)
                         I don't mind American punk at all - (pwhysall)
                 I love when she learns a new technique - (drook)
             That's the one -NT - (drook)
         But . . . wait! - (Andrew Grygus)

You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with until you understand who's in ruttin' command here.
182 ms