How do you teach? inculcate??--there's the Hard-one--MIllennials of the ilk: clearly in need of Ethics 101-R (for never having heard the word).

City Arts and Lectures
Tristan Harris /npr, usual podcast expected

Called the “closest thing Silicon Valley has to a conscience” by The Atlantic, Tristan Harris has spent more than a decade studying the influences that hijack human thinking and action. From his childhood as a magician to his work in the Stanford Persuasive Technology Lab, Harris became concerned about the need for ethical and humane technology. His work on the attention economy started in 2013, when he created a slide deck within Google that went viral, warning about the technology industry’s arms race to capture human attention and the moral responsibility companies have for the ways they restructure society. Harris spent three years as a Google Design ethicist and was co-founder and CEO of Apture. He is currently co-founder of the Center for Humane Technology, whose mission is to reverse “human downgrading” and realign technology with humanity.

Seems a task not unlike that of, cleaning them old Augean Stables of a thousand-year collection of horse-shit [no, Really!]--but Hercules was Smart and..
if *Harris's mission goes awry it's still gonna be Carrion-as-main-dish, amidst all those other reasons.

* At least with first-name Tristan he may get a little meta-Help from the Old-gods. (Before $$$Mammon won the whole thing).