Seemingly--to extirpate this Monster--it is necessary to accumulate sufficient horribleness-details such that: Amendment 25 shall occur; this means accurate attention to the demons-within the Veep and each of the necessary WH-cohort: to invoke that easily-won proposition: Unfit to Preside.

Yess, Hard but: these few minions possess at least semi-functioning Imaginations: of Each's own next..? form-of-disgrace==culpability in supporting this Menace--to keep their own sinecures. Note the--now many 'ex-Cathedra' revelations--from the get-go: of just Such revelations which quite-describe what "Unfit" might mean: there must be thousands of these leaks/documented--recall DJT's earliest rants re [The Plumbers revisited] The Leaks?

This isn't all that complex: even Pence has the imagination ..surely has! ..of being Outed as a Co-Perp to all he has seen/done in that Orifice.
His role is: organizing, mollifying.. convincing the Gang-of-*Whomever: to imagineer along-with-him. THIS is the co-perps' ONLY means-of-escaping Their fecklessness/guilt --and next wearing an Orange suit. Innit?

* that is: present and Past-occupants /these revolving replacements. Rest case.

'Course ... Lots can happen day-by-day next: best laid plans of mice and men ..always applies. Still: a decent Plan must emerge s.a.p.;
you cannot ad-hoc some matter effecting a Fascism-coin-toss--at its End.