Awakening ‘from real-sleep’ ..on through that Transition-state (creeping in on little pussy-cat feet) from the state, ~__w.t.f. Who?/What?/Where AM “I”?? —> to the usual daily walking-sleep..
Book-titles!? was the McGuffin that just appeared. (Yess quite another w.t.f.???)

A Murder of Crows
—how the Drumpf clan, abetted by mind-of-Roy-Cohn: helped-along the making of ‘Murica, Amerika? and its nearing-dissolution.

Trump in the Wilderness
—An Incapacity for Earnestness
(and analysis of each of the 17,000? Lies told to some-date): within a massive tear-out-Appendix, so that the volume may be carried about without a Radio-Flyer wagon in tow.

[with all apologies to the publishers of, “A Canticle for Leibowitz” (wherein L.’s laundry-list became artifact ..thence Holy Relic).
I know not what others shall do, but as for me: give me f-Liberty-gibbets or give me dea(r)th.

[Today the Menace informs: we’re going to “Fill-it-up with cheap-oil”, Energy Independence!!] But Pence in Full-Toady-Mode, ust after—actually achieves His pinnacle: a momentary Roy Cohn clone/hologram? (does Pence have blood circulation? not that I can see).

Carrion, putting The Health of America First cf. Pence—if you can stand to.
Note: psychiatrists connect ''grandiose descriptions of one's country/incessantly": as a Prime indicator of the depths of [solipsism] aka Narcissism-in-extremis. Just saying.. for those who came in late to 'the bonfire of vanities".