(Via a 1991 newspaper article somehow espied by a cohort--one of Ours).

Barr was a pig-headed bully-boy in High School: and was a CLASSMATE of Roy Cohn!. They marauded together--and as has been mentioned here numerous times:
'Twas HE who inculcated-in, permanently: his odious "ways to get A Head" during the Menace-as-tyke dazes of non-Character formation.

tl;dr I can think of No One (save perhaps Caligula--and he be long daid)--who could/Would: so effectively guarantee an Evil-future, when this Mofo was loosed upon a hapless-soon-Hopeless tyke. Period.

It All fits-together.. as 'explanation' of [just How-fucked IS?] the Dementor-in-Chief: with BARR as 'facilitator of the co-Mentored' destroyed 'souls'..

{{Sigh}} ..just when you thought It couldn't get Worse.. ...