Our local 'nic for that rampant American disease is.. Xenophobia, a subset of which also accomplishes similar kinds of problems, like national iggerance across all religions (and as a class: often about tha 'Christianity' which so many bigots massage-into w.t.f.they 'Belleve-in' .. and like that). know more about/from the O.T. and the New Testament than the loudest of these berzerkers. (Love It when 'challenged; it gives moi endorphins to see 'em squirm, reply with Repo-speak maudlin crap. :-)

Haven't checked but have a brain-meme that Thomas Jefferson 'ordered' a bible printed with Just the sayings of J.C. Gotta Love that level of perspicuity---and I do. Wisdom needs no imprimatur; ya Got some or evidently-enough: you Ain't.
