but a metric {ought to be} established as: measures, best as possible.. the Quality of the applicant's Tutorial-inculcation (and much harder: an evaluation of just how This-person's performance in other tests: can demonstrate his/her mental acuity within some carefully crafted Simulator exercises "in extremis" ..and like that.

{sigh} You could apply that hoary standard to All Applicants for some 'Presidency', I wot--but not in this kultur--I also wot. Still: when some corrupt-from-cradle carnival barker Passes All [these not-yet Tests] and runs rampant for n-years all un-Stopped: why are we even talking about "Standards" at all?

Rest case.

aka Sit at emergency exit door Row: with your very own *parachute snugly at your feet ..masquerading as on-board-Carrion, eh?

* 'Course this escape presumes an emergency occurs auch that plane is [now] ~15K feet alt. and the craft has been slowed considerably below cruise, etc. (don included helmet with plexi-face shield) while assuming exit-position of body, thence kissing-ass-Goodbye--for a charm--if that Seat is forward of an engine, just sayin.. :-þ