Eco-Anxiety: Climate Change and Mental Health

A burning Amazon rainforest. Thinning ice sheets. Sea level rise. Wildfires in California. Thawing Arctic permafrost. It’s no surprise that many of us have anxiety about our planet’s future. The mental health impacts of climate change are increasing distress about the future while intensifying the trauma of natural disasters already happening. On this week’s episode of WorldAffairs, Caroline Hickman, Executive Committee member of the Climate Psychology Alliance and teaching fellow at the University of Bath joins WorldAffairs co-host Ray Suarez to discuss eco-anxiety in the age of climate change.

World Affairs Council

Maldivian kids say ... ...
~~"YES, we think that the [local Rich] mean to let the Have-nots get purged so they can continue (~exploiting) the now-fewer Others as intrude..

Plus other memorable-quips from other advanced no-longer-Children but.. of an ilk trying to make Adults of their own Overseers. Precocious.. illuminatiing; this aspect alone makes this program a Keeper (if it ever gets to the permanent view-on-command list) ... so much temp-$$-generating web-stuff just fucking-evanesces, y'Notice?

Hints on how to balance one's utter-Rage/thence a Vast-sorrow for All the animals/other Nature: today so common amidst young-uns across may tribes. Think killing-for-Sport, mass-cruelty in the making/boxing-in, Slaughtering methods for all that meat we (still) Eat far too much of: as it seems an integral miniCausation of the Fans of up-to-minute Cruelty in all matters. Now rampant. Always a sickness.. way-back. Now.. often an attractant(?) Recall the teen who killed a kitten in a microwave, some years back/now multiply the mind set that thinks like this creature, "it was a Joke!"{sullenly--no Lesson learned} whatsoever. How Many 'parents' raise-down such monsters? It won't be in the Nat'l Stats you can bet.

[Who'd want to bring up a zygote/internally?]: to enter into a place where an Idiot-NON-'Savant' is actually possessed of The Bagman 24/7/365: and his instabilities lean ever-towards --->Use Force? [Would you? so-'pro'-Create? Now??]
