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New Today: the Amazon is still burning.. ... ....
Perhaps confirming--via the Root of so much of the World's (so recently prodded) Insanity:

Our very-Pwned Orange Menace has catalyzed ..say, "Armageddon as a Process not a 'Date'"?
His Machiavellian diseased mind, clearly a boon to each/every dictator extant (a Fact, that) continues to portend
that all the Animals' speciescide can properly be attributed to: the Nastiest %population of the decaying-US.

As those infamous Tipping-points accelerate ---> into views quite less-fuzzy than before, clearly we see {but hardly Comprehend..}
that merely pulverizing-into-atoms this wannabe-Mephistopheles--while offering a momentary sigh of satisFiction--cannot UnDo!
that the looming Speciescide has been precipitated-Hugely by: Just *One* Deranged Homo-sap-to-End-all homo-SAPS

That is all ..and well may become ALL. The dis-U.S. has proven to be THE Root-Cause (whatever the 'help' of many perpetrators worldwide, the mind-rot already immanent in each). Should the mere 'physics-in-action' demonstrate what Tipping-point Means?, surely next, via suicidal-homo-sap Norms:
some of the n000 nukes out there Shall be sent--in livid-RAGE--as the pewling-End echoes that which the species has exhibited since the first pre-Neanderthal pushed a burning piece of brush into someone's face.

Carrion ..it's a Yellow/Orange sorta blob. The insouciance of the species underlies all this, but the dis-US cannot escape having been the necessary-catalyst for planeticide--you gets only One of such.

Interesting 'Times'?

Ed: Muster Forces: CRASH this fucking-'Economy' via all means imaginable: it may be the only guaranteed weapon for getting this Monster incarcerated-fershure (in White or Orange attire). Know another ..Way? You cannot Count ("votes") On! the vox populi for anything sane.

PPS: Lang Lang plays Für Elisa, some Rachmaninoff ..on Amanpour today: the perfect antidote to the zeitgeist :-)
Satisfying to hear him 'talk'; usually the piano IS his voice. (In tykehood his hours/practicing would kill a mere mortal). That he is eloquent too? The Wunderkind has become a mensch..
ymmv/whatever Works.
Collapse Edited by Ashton Aug. 26, 2019, 06:21:08 PM EDT
Today: the Amazon is still burning.. ... ....
Perhaps confirming--via the Root of so much of the World's (so recently prodded) Insanity:

Our very-Pwned Orange Menace has catalyzed ..say, "Armageddon as a Process not a 'Date'"?
His Machiavellian diseased mind, clearly a boon to each/every dictator extant (a Fact, that) continues to portend
that all the Animals' speciescide can properly be attributed to: the Nastiest %population of the decaying-US.

As those infamous Tipping-points accelerate ---> into views quite less-fuzzy than before, clearly we see {but hardly Comprehend..}
that merely pulverizing-into-atoms this wannabe-Mephistopheles--while offering a momentary sigh of satisFiction--cannot UnDo!
that the looming Speciescide has been precipitated-Hugely by: Just *One* Deranged Homo-sap-to-End-all homo-SAPS

That is all ..and well may become ALL. The dis-U.S. has proven to be THE Root-Cause (whatever the 'help' of many perpetrators worldwide, the mind-rot already immanent in each). Should the mere 'physics-in-action' demonstrate what Tipping-point Means?, surely next, via suicidal-homo-sap Norms:
some of the n000 nukes out there Shall be sent--in livid-RAGE--as the pewling-End echoes that which the species has exhibited since the first pre-Neanderthal pushed a burning piece of brush into someone's face.

Carrion ..it's a Yellow/Orange sorta blob. The insouciance of the species underlies all this, but the dis-US cannot escape having been the necessary-catalyst for planeticide--you gets only One of such.

Interesting 'Times'?
Expand Edited by Ashton Aug. 26, 2019, 07:31:19 PM EDT
Expand Edited by Ashton Aug. 26, 2019, 07:35:41 PM EDT
New He is The Mule (name that reference for 5 internet points)

New Foundation.
No YaBinGoogling required.
New Vol. 2, IIRC. Points for that?!? Feh.
     Today: the Amazon is still burning.. ... .... - (Ashton) - (3)
         He is The Mule (name that reference for 5 internet points) -NT - (drook) - (2)
             Foundation. - (pwhysall)
             Vol. 2, IIRC. Points for that?!? Feh. -NT - (CRConrad)

She's just another ambitious slut from the prosecutor class.
43 ms