tl;dr Murica Has Sucked ..from its inception, its 'politics' un-informed by Reason or Honesty: perpetuating mobs of the intellectually/emotionally/morally Defective
(That is all one Needs to grok-to-Fullness) to: Understand Murica-2019.

Fresh Air
Colson Whitehead

Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist Colson Whitehead’s new novel, “The Nickel Boys,” is based on the true story of a notorious Florida reform school in the early 60’s, where many boys were beaten and sexually abused. Dozens of unmarked graves were discovered on the school grounds. The state shut down the school in 2011.

..near 50 YEARS to n o t i c e . . . stay silent a few more decades ... ... then umm, ~do-Something.

You'd wear-out {even a sturdy IBM-keyboard of yore} imagining that one person could compile anything like a full-listicle of the baked-in atrocities committed
Within-also-Without The Land of the Free-ish (only-to-be: Shunnned-by-white-folk (diluted by n- Undesirables) who sneaked-in.

(That these atrocities were Original) even under Blighty-rule, as in India; that they persisted, were added-to as the $$-powerful winged it
... is but one facet of this history of Oligarchs over-perpetually-poor conquests, (and Testosterone-over-the disenfranchised-HALF of the vox pop) nauseum.
Our uncensored history is rife with: how deeply-corrupt have been the average-perps, the barely-$$-powerful: from The Get-Go.
The xenophobia [amidst the %90-ish 'immigrants'-Themselves!] as they sequentially bashed Chinese, Irish (prolly thus Scots too, eh?) et alia.
..all adding our basest-hypocrisy into every Law, Statute (thence pre-lynching-parties for the Uppity).

But what most pisses-off moi is The Fact that: {virtually-every} "CIVICS" Teacher: ELIDED 96.66% of All These Unconscionable attributes of our trash-society,
whilst lauding the cherry-picked beneficent acts. These we-like-to-think Worthy minions Failed in their prime directive:
to Be Honest with their charges (thus to organize in-defense-of-Self: when the inevitable push-backs from the guilty Would occur).
Dumbth? + Cowardice ... an elixier even more awful than ..crab juice+chocolate?

(As to the failings de moi, along the way)?: all have been 'outed' by now: to the Fact that Homo-saps are intrigued by,
love to inhale: their own farts {deny this and ... face artful ridicule, eh?}