TED Radio Hour

Digital Manipulation
Technology has reshaped our lives in amazing ways. But at what cost? This hour, TED speakers reveal how what we see, read, believe — even how we vote — can be manipulated by the technology we use.


There's much to criticize of the entire Ted-dybear algorithm, but there are some good lines in these (2) essays, I wot. Now if the #1 part's arguments could be addressed--Live--to the four Digital-Juggernauts ..about to become #1? #3? -VS- top Super-States' GNP?

I mean.. well-past Monopoly/the game or the legalism ... and we have't slammed these mofos with 70-% annual tax-rates+Oversight.. save-the-planet:
we can't even tie our shoe-laces. Except in knots.

..and then yer kid runs his '53 Studebaker into a Veyron and a cross-walk full of nuns.