but it amused me all the same. Quote:
You may have heard of a product called Windows, which, when inserted in a computer, will cause it to crash. Repeatedly. Far from being illegal, it has become an industry standard and all-pervading product. You may also have heard of software called Outlook, which, when installed on a computer and used, renders the system vulnerable to unsolicited and unwanted hostile external programming leading to remote control, loss of data and/or system failure.

It's actually an article about [link|http://www.smh.com.au/articles/2002/06/15/1023864366683.html|copy-protected CDs]. But it's always nice to see The Truth re: Windows in a major publication. (Sydney Morning Herald)

Sadly the author then gets it very very wrong when he says
the Sony music CD feature only crashes Apple Macs, so that's hardly an angry mob. A cluster of 16 bearded geeks losing their Myst sessions is not the stuff of bloody revolt.

But in some circles I guess that's good for a laugh too.