Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be.??

Besides that though: 'Scale and Relativity' ... that perspicuity so-lacking in most homo-saps extant.
How Does? one riposte to a person demonstrably reading legalese-script of How They Should Operate
(merely implying-at-all-definitions that, They Do operate 'humanely' (!!)
--a conclusion as, demonstrably-Now: is both bogus AND fatuous--given that Their Leader could not define "humanely"
--via any of his previous experience since-birth. He Is: Roy Cohn II, the same as brought-him-up feral.

Trying to 'splain such a digital-think Proposition would seem to be not unlike Nailing-Jello-to-a-Wall, the 'How-to'.

As to: Why proffer? repeatedly, so much bogosity (such as simply elides the pictorial, verbal, written accounts extant)
Fuck if I know, but it seems unCurable. One can merely await Dr. Jekyll ..until Mr. Hyde evanesces?
But there's always the [Shun] option.