(Replayed on local Tee Vee recently)
Manny Klein played the trumpet in movie (bugles are Key of G, trumpet is B)

Apart from the many *merits of the book, movie: this may be the finest Taps in a movie (seen by moi.)
(My ~30 sec. in a Columbia movie no/count; takes longer..) {sigh}
Anyway, everyone has heard Taps n-times, but this illustrates that it can be expressive-music (when you ditch the bugle).
B is simply more brilliant; it helps to be a virtuoso/whatever horn, natch.

* Sinatra's Oscar, his only one, was as 'Maggio'.

James Jones on this Taps from his book:

He looked at his watch and as the second hand touched the top stepped up and raised the bugle to the megaphone, and the nervousness dropped from him like a discarded blouse, and he was suddenly alone, gone away from the rest of them.

The first note was clear and absolutely certain. There was no question or stumbling in this bugle. It swept across the quadrangle positively, held just a fraction longer than most buglers hold it. Held long like the length of time, stretching away from weary day to weary day. Held long like thirty years. The second note was short, almost too abrupt. Cut short and soon gone, like the minutes with a whore. Short like a ten minute break is short. And then the last note of the first phrase rose triumphantly from the slightly broken rhythm, triumphantly high on an untouchable level of pride above the humiliations, the degradations.

[. . .]

Maybe this prose also, is the epic pæan to the possibilities of a ..mere 'bugle call', extant.